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"Slobodan Knežević"
The influence of vitamin C and early-age thermal conditioning on the quality of meat and specific production characteristics of broilers during heat stress (2020-01)
Z. Ružić, Z. Kanački, M. Jokanović, S. Vidaković, S. Knežević, S. Jović, S. Paraš, The influence of vitamin C and early-age thermal conditioning on the quality of meat and specific production characteristics of broilers during heat stress, TURKISH JOURNAL OF VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES, Vol. 44, pp. 314 - 323, Jan, 2020 -
Rectal temperature and respiration rate as indicators of heat stress in broiler chickens subjected to early-age thermal conditioning and vitamin C supplementation (2023-04)
З. Ружић, З. Каначки, С. Стојановић, З. Ковачевић, С. Кнежевић, С. Тодоровић, S. Paraš, Rectal temperature and respiration rate as indicators of heat stress in broiler chickens subjected to early-age thermal conditioning and vitamin C supplementation, TURKISH JOURNAL OF VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES, Vol. 47, No. 2, Apr, 2023